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Home/Airline representation services

Airline representation services


The "Safar Time" company specializes in providing representation services to airlines, occupying a key niche in the air transportation market. Since its founding, Safar Time has made it its mission to strengthen the position of air carriers on the global stage, providing comprehensive support and creating conditions for the successful development of its clients' businesses.

Our services include a full range of representation - from commercial and operational to marketing and legal - allowing airlines to focus on their core activities while "Safar Time" takes care of the critical details of their practical implementation.

Our services
Passengers Handling
Ramp Handling
Crew handling
Lost and Found
Passenger handling Irregularities
Transfer services

In addition to the above, one of the components of our company’s activities is the provision of solutions for flight support, ground handling of flights, as well as internal cleaning and equipment of aircraft at Tashkent Airport.

"Safar Time" strives to be more than just a facilitator; Our goal is to become a strategic partner for every airline we work with. We pride ourselves on our personalized customer service, flexibility and commitment that enable airlines to find ways to expand their business and provide exceptional service to their passengers.

Tashkent city, Yakkasaray district, Abdulla Kakhhar street, 1
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